Yes, I have exactly the same setup with the horizontal stabilizers
level. There is an inherent twist in the fuselage bottom of the
magnitude you have measured giving you this discrepancy. Mine was 5mm.
I asked Andy about it and he didn't really think it would be a problem.
Some builders have elected to try and take that twist out. My own view
is, once the twist is moulded in place, it is hard to take out without
placing stress on the structure. This stress may prove to be counter
productive later. Certainly my top fuselage went on nicely and sat well
at the tail end. My Europa is a monowheel classic, so when bonding the
fin in place it is very slightly off vertical due to the twist. Not a
problem as other builders have said. Graham Singleton may have some
My advice. Absolutely essential to make sure the stabilators are level
to the front bulkhead of the fuselage. The discrepancy will hardly be
noticed and can be cosmetically adjusted.
Hope this is of help.
Tim Ward
flying wrote:
> Here's a thing. We have just checked the set up of our tailplanes which are
> within 20 min. of each other when using an inclinometer on the trailing edge
> just outboard of the trim tabs - this seems good enough to us. However
> looking at the front of the tailplanes in relation to the fuselage mouldings
> there appears to be a big discrepancy between the two tailplanes. When the
> port tailplane is aligned with the fuselage moulding at the front, the port
> one is about 7mm below it's respective fuselage moulding. Either the
> mouldings are out or the tailplanes are different shapes. Anyone had similar
> experiences or can offer any thoughts
> Regards
> Paul Stewart #432
Timothy P Ward
12 Waiwetu Street,
Ph. 0064 03 3515166
Mobile 025 2649325