In a message dated 4/23/01 10:32:52 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
Europa's pre-delivery information came with a sketch of a fusulage cradle
that is constructed from 2x4's and suspends the fuselage from 4 bolts. Does
anyone have any experience with this design - and will it pull the fuselage
into shape?
Any mods to it that should be considered?
If you go this route(which I did and found nothing wrong with it ) be sure to
reenforce the points that the bolts will go through the fuselage with a piece
of 3mm plywood imbedded into flox. Then lay up 3 plies bid over this. Do this
on the inside and don't cut all the way thru the outside skin. The hole will
enlarge itself over time as mine and others' has done and make an ugly large