I have a previously built Emeraude that I purchased while living in Canada,
has similar rules re. owner maintenance as to the UK. I have over the past
11 years rebuilt the entire aircraft (1200 hrs TT) while maintaining it in
condition for each summer season of flying. It is a great way to own
a homebuilt aircraft. I currently hangar the aircraft in the Detroit area and
fly across the border once a year purposly just to keep the Canadian
and freedom to service the aircraft (which isn't allowed on U.S. previoulsy
built aircraft.)
As for "2'nd hand" - should my custom built Europa ever need to change owners,
it will be "previously built" and not "second hand"!! :-)
On Tue, 22 May 2001, "Strike, Edward (ANTS)" wrote:
> What is the deal with buying a second hand Europa in the UK, will I still be
> able to maintain it myself??
> Thanks in advance.
> Edward Strike
> Unix Systems Administration
> -- ANTS Front Office Technical Support --
> > * (00 44) 20 7612 3080
> > * edward.strike@ants.co.uk
> "The internet has not changed my life @ all"
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