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Re: Sorry to Have to Say This...

Subject: Re: Sorry to Have to Say This...
From: Rowland & Wilma Carson <>
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 22:59:46


  .... and on that page, Steve wrote (inter alia):

>Thank you for being a part of this grand adventure.  I wouldn't 
>trade a minute of it.

Steve - thank you for everything YOU have contributed to US. I have 
greatly valued your good humour in all sorts of adversities, and your 
thoughtful and intelligent postings.

Those closing words also reminded me of a few words of a poem by Gill 
Robb Wilson which touch me very deeply:

    And of the living ... none, not one
    Who truly loves the sky
    Would trade a hundred earth bound hours
    For one that he could fly.

regards and thanks again


PS I guess there may be some who want to know more about GRW's poem; 
to forestall queries, there is a copy of it online (slightly 
corrupted by typos, I think) among the "Great Aviation Quotes" at: 
<> in the poetry section. It first came 
to my notice about 7 years ago when I saw Andrew Tron using the lines 
above as his .sig file on the rec.aviation.homebuilt newsgroup.

|           ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...

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