Hi, Steve. Here's what we've done:
Builders Log is a notebook, where we note date, start and end time, temp, RH%,
and task worked on. We also have a photo log book with caption labels that Sue
has put together.
In addition, all our parts are cataloged on an Excel spreedsheet for index
purposes. I have a whole array of little Akro bins labeled Wing A, Wing B, Fuse
A, Fuse B, etc. The part list is alphabetic, so I just look up the needed bit,
and go find the bin it's in. Very easy and works great. Again, credit my
wonderful wife for that setup. She has far more patience than I.
I don't spend a lot of time making elaborate log entries, nor do I keep it in
computer. Computers crash and burn more than airplanes, and the log has enough
detail to keep the FAA happy. I hardly have enough time to work on the bloody
kit itself, with me spending 4 to 6 hours a week just taking flying lessons. At
least I'm signed off on my 3rd supervised solo, so now I can go take up a 152 by
myself and go practice in the local area. What a hoot!
Have fun!
ScramIt@aol.com wrote:
> Hi, while awaiting my kit, I thought I'd use this time to develop a database
> for the parts inventory. My question is, is this a good idea or a waste of
> time? Sometimes computers can make jobs harder, with having to keep the
> database up to date. Does anyone have one already? If so, can I get a copy? I
> was also thinking of putting my builders log in a database. Any good Ideas
> for fields? Date, time, room temp, barometer, hygrometer, batch# of resin,
> work done, etc.
> I have a small network of computers at home and hooking one into the shop
> won't be a problem. I was thinking of sticking a web cam in the corner, so
> you could come buy anytime and see the shop. "Bill, Bill, look he's got the
> outriggers on top of the wings! Think we should tell him?"
> Thanks,
> Steve
> A217