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Re: Short Tri-gear legs

Subject: Re: Short Tri-gear legs
From: Fred Fillinger <>
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 22:22:50
I recall something like that, and it was about a 1/2".  I just lowered
the fuselage in its cradle by 1/2", to preserve the other dimensions. 
I figured there was little magic to the fuse height (except to result
in a little more nose up), but gear position fore/aft is important,
along with caster, toe-in, etc.  Bonding the gear leg sockets as you
describe I think will increase stresses on wood ribs and fuselage.  Of
course, you can always mitigate that with a panel placard, "Hard
Landings Prohibited." :)

Fred F., A063

> My trigear gear legs are too short to reach FS 70 and 36.75" off midline.
> I've been told some trigear builders have ameliorated this problem by
> glassing the bottom flanges of the gear sockets below the belly of the
> plane thereby extending the reach of the gear legs towards FS 70.
> I'd like advice from someone who's done that or something similar.
> Also has anyone lowered the gear legs in the sockets a half inch or so to
> get a longer reach?
> Rob
> A162

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