Hi Ferg,
My joggle is 1/4 inch. In addition, I left a slight inward angle
by not bringing the handle end back parallel -- this increases
the clearance from the plexi slightly. Clearance on mine is fine
with the interior handles on the outboard side of the lever. I
set it up this way to reduce the chance of catching the handle on
a sleeve and popping the door open in flight, at least that was
the theory. I made the little protectors for the handles with a
small bid layup in the lower forward corner per Europa's
suggestion but mine are lower and bulge inward about 1/8 to clear
the lever. The knobs are from Home Depot, 1 inch diameter and
about 1/4 inch thick red plastic; they also had black in the same
I think Andy had some words to say on the subject long ago and my
recollection is that he recommended less of a joggle than I had
made, more on the order of 5mm. I believe Europa puts the
handles on the inside of the lever so less clearance is needed to
the plexi. My idea was that the plastic knob is less likely to
damage the plexi if it should rub it.
Of concern with my doors is that the forward edge of the outside
door handle can and does contact the door above and forward of
the pivot. This has worn a groove in the paint in this area and
is awkward to fix as an afterthought. The problem occurs because
the handle pivot is a loose fit in its bearing, allowing it to
tilt slightly depending how pressure is put on the handle in use.
Possible solutions are improving the fit of the pivot, filing a
bit of the aluminum away on the forward inboard part of the
handle plate, or adding a washer on the pivot under the outside
handle to increase the clearance. Not a showstopper but
irritating to have the paint damaged by something silly like
John N44EU
----- Original Message -----
From: "Fergkyle" <ve3lvo@rac.ca>
Subject: JOGGLE
> Cheers,
> I am waiting to see the engine installation before
> cockpit into fuselage canoe, so am doing little odd-jobs in the
interim. One
> is preparing the door handle kit.
> In the process one runs across "the inner handle
> requires a joggle to clear it from the side screen when
installed". I'll buy
> that and am prepared to jiggle a joggle into them BUT (being
nowhere ready
> to install a sidescreen - let alone the cockpit) - have no idea
of the size
> of the inward joggle needed.
> I would be obliged were a number of you to estimate
if not
> downright measure the immensity of the joggle. Your answers
will receive top
> security, be evaluated and tabulated and the root mean square
> Then I will use the figure you gave me. Those within 10% of the
RMS value
> will receive valuable coupons or tracts of an uplifting nature.
> In earnest anticipation,
> Happy landings
> Ferg #A064
> P.S: here's one for a sample:
> Willy, Willy, Harry, Stee, Harry. Dick. John. Harry three;
> One two three Neds, Richard two, Harry's four five six....then
> Edwards four five, Dick the Bad, Harry's twain, Ned six, the
> Mary, Bessie, James, you ken, Then Charlie, Charlie, James
> William, Mary, Anna, Gloria, Georges four, Will four, Victoria;
> Edward seven next and then - came George the fifth in nineteen
> Ned the eighth soon abdicated, then George the sixth was
> After which, Elizabeth - and that's all folks until her death.
> The Europa List is supported by Aviators Network UK -