With respect to having too little epoxy in
the layup, we had some repairs that were
done by someone else on our control surfaces.
Apparently peel ply was used without wetting
it out. The resulting glass was white in appearence,
and in places, could be peeled off, almost as if it
were peel ply. I believe that dry peel ply starved the
layup of epoxy. We ended up having to wet the layup
out again, with wetted-out peel ply, to get the edges
to stick.
In my opinion, if peel ply is used, wet it out, do
NOT leave dry peel ply on a layup.
Terry Seaver
Rob Housman wrote:
> For an excellent discussion on this subject see this message in the
> archives:
> And from what I recall of a presentation by the Aeropoxy rep at a SoCal
> Europa Squadron meeting, it is hard work to have too little epoxy in the
> layup. Perhaps "Squadron Leader" Kim Prout will read this and comment for
> the benefit of the group.
> Best regards,
> Rob Housman
> A070
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-europa@post.aviators.net
> Subject: Peel Ply
> A friend and I built a Cozy MkIV, and we put peel ply on every thing we did.
> My friend joking called it "the poor mans vacuum bag." He thinks it made
> finishing much easier and helped remove excess epoxy. I wouldn't know
> because
> I didn't get to finish any parts that weren't peel plied. I have part of a
> roll left over and unless someone on the list gives me a good reason not to,
> I'm going to peel ply the big lay-ups.
> Comments, ideas
> Thanks
> Steve
> A217