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Re: RE: Powder coating aluminum - help!

Subject: Re: RE: Powder coating aluminum - help!
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2001 08:25:24
Are you using that Eastwood home powder coating kit??  I think that's the name.
It's marketed to hot-rodders.  I looked at it at one time, but didn't persue
it.  Fortunately (for me), I have a contact at a local powder coater, so I can
get a modest amount of stuff done gratis whenever they are running the color
I need.

Still, for the convenience, I'd rather do it at home.  I'd have plenty of 
for it, as I'm into all sorts of metalwork that I'd rather powder than


"Steve Hagar" <> wrote:
> Chris:
> I am powder coating my smaller parts at the house and using the oven in the 
> kitchen. The parts get to 400 F though only for about 20 minutes at the 
> most. They probably don't even have to stay hot that long. My guess is 
> that it is not nearly long enough and hot enough to effect any granular 
> changes

> in the material. Most of the small aluminum parts don't impress me as being in

> highly stressed applications anyway. I'm not loosing any sleep over 
> it.
> Steve Hagar
> A143
> Mesa, AZ
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: 
> Subject: Powder coating 
> aluminum - help!
> I believe we went over this previously here, but I want to be doubly 
> sure. I just sent out all the wing/flap hardware to be powder coated 
> gloss white (W19, W20, OR3, etc.)
> My wife, who works for Midwest Express Airlines, says two of the guys on 
> the maintenance floor said that the powder coating process would screw up the

> heat treat of the aluminum. Now, I remember looking up the age 
> hardening time and temps for aluminum, and from what I remember, it was quite
> bit hotter than what the powder coating oven runs at(which is about 375 to 400

> deg. F).
> Before I go and wreck a bunch of parts, I want to be doubly sure that I'll 
> be OK. Powder coat is far superior to paint in both protection and 
> durability, so I'd like to be able to use it.
> Thanks for the info, gang.
> Chris and Sue
> A159
> --- Steve Hagar
> --- 

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