I had this idea for a 3rd pin using a MS21047 anchor nut, an AN3 bolt
with the head sawed off and screwdriver slot Dremel'd into the end for
adjustment, and a 3/16" hole in the sill.
But just stiffening does the trick? Well I have some horrendously
expensive carbon fiber BID left over, and just 2 layers of _that_
stuff over the major length of the inside lower door frame would
stiffen the #&$@ out of it, and equal the weight of a hardware
solution. I'll be painting it anyway, acceding to the objections of
the Director of Aesthetics, in my one-man shop here, to the glossy
gov't gray gel coat.
Gazing eyes toward the ceiling and scratching chin....Hmmm.
Fred F., A063
Europa Aircraft wrote:
> Hi All,
> Jim has informed me that the doors have been strengthened recently,
> and no longer bulge out on the bottom, even up to Vne. Please take
> this into advisement before completing this builder mod if you have a
> newer kit. And thanks again Graham for designing the mod, which I am
> told works great.
> If you have any questions please contact us.
> John Hurst
> Europa Aircraft
> Lakeland, FL