No, not another Europa! I'd never do that.
Due to the fact that Control Vision still can't deliver an NZ database I
have a full Anywheremap system available for sale. This system covers US
and Europe very (very) nicely.
Visit for full details.
Items for sale....
Anywheremap GPSMap bundle for Compaq Ipaq
Anywheremap program with update service
Garmin GPS35
Power supply for Ipaq and GPS
Paid USD595, yours for USD495 shipped anywhere.
But wait... also thrown in for free is a copy of Anywhere planner for
Windows v1.2, US flight planning software. Normally USD99.
This is a seriously slick application and the only reason I am selling
it is because the NZ database just hasn't been forthcoming.
Tony Krzyzewski Kaon Technologies Ltd
Managing Director Unit 6, 7 Torrens Rd
Ph +64 9 274 1590 East Tamaki
Fx +64 9 274 1593 Auckland, NZ