Hi! Fred.
Quite easy to effect as the Mod Instructions say ,especially if you retained
the positioning jig used during the original fixing.
The new back plate is much thicker and not bendable at all, therefore much
stronger than anything you could do externally.
No shuddering on Jabiru 3300 start up anyway.!
Bob Harrison G-PTAG
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-europa@post.aviators.net
Sent: 30 July 2001 01:22
Subject: Trim Tab Drive Plate (Mod 58)
Hi, all --
I know some have to do this, but it follows a failure on only one A/C,
a demo with 450 cycles, an no joy on a sample of others. I'm
wondering about an alternative method for completed tabs, as it will
now be an important inspection item.
Maybe a piece of 1/4" aluminum, cut to the outline of the exposed
plate and filed to a taper, and Redux'd to the inboard side, so the
1/4" thick part of it is bonded to the tab's skin. Maybe further to
prevent any remaining flexing from pulling the tab's skin away from
the foam, a small patch of carbon fiber cloth there before bonding the
aluminum block. Any other ideas?
Was the failure A/C, GBXS, a mono? They blame shaking on engine
startup and related phenomena. But can the beating the tail takes
when operating on rough turf maybe contribute also? I have a
tri-gear, and am prone toward an easier fix, if this is a factor too.
Fred F., A063