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Re: Araldite 420

Subject: Re: Araldite 420
From: Brian Hutchinson <>
Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2001 13:48:52
Hi Dave

1. Definitely DON'T warm it up before use...that will cause it go off too

2. In ambient conditions (20degres C) you''ll have the best part of an hour
working time, but get the mix on quickly so as not to allow it to exotherm
in the pot.

3. I suggest you get a couple of helpers, one mixing up approx 1/2 a cup at
a time, then add the flox so that it doesn't run, while your buddies trowel
it onto both mating surfaces ( mark parallel lines on the underside of the
skin where the ribs will contact). Try and establish if there are voids
anywhere that will need a thicker dollop in that area, much better to put
slightly too much on than not enough. I used lengths of aluminium angle span
wise with scores of bricks on top to press the skin down.  I had to buy 2
extra tins of this stuff,  you'll find that in future jobs, most of it gets
sueezed out of the joints, and lands up in the waste bin... makes you cry at
something like 100 a go!!!!!!!!

Brian Hutchinson

XS 357  (90% done, 10% to go....even if it does feel the other way round!!!)

---- Original Message -----
From: <>
Subject: Araldite 420

> Just about to Araldite top wing skin on.  Can some one reassure me in use
> Araldite 420.
> 1. Do you need to warm it up before mixing to get it more fluid?
> 2. How long is the working time?
> 3. Any other tips?
> Thanks,   Dave Park

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