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Re: U/C hard to deploy?

Subject: Re: U/C hard to deploy?
From: Tony Krzyzewski <>
Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2001 08:03:46

> I understand the landing wheel requires some force to deploy/retract.
> For me (who's still shopping for a home-built) this could be a
> show-stopper.
> Could i get some other opinions please?

If it does then it hasn't been setup correctly. The bungee system acts as a 
counterbalance and if adjusted properly it is possible to raise and lower the 
gear with very little effort. I used a 'volunteer' 12 year old as my test 
mechanism when setting mine up and he can operate the gear with ease. 

On ZK-UBD I can operate the gear with thumb and fingertip and, having done 58 
landings in the past four days, can assure you that I am not increasing my 
muscle bulk as a result of moving the gear up and down!


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