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Re: Glass cockpits ahoy!

Subject: Re: Glass cockpits ahoy!
From: Ira Rampil <>
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 08:37:47
IMHO, the best piece of glass at Oshkosh this year was the Dynon.  Based on
solid state gyros, 
accelerometers, pressure transducers and magnetometers it provides 10 flight
instruments including
AI, DG, A/S, Altimeter, VSI, AOA, etc.  It all fits in a single 3.25 hole
with roughly a 4 x 6 bezel.
Best of all, it is only $2000.  Usual disclaimer here, I just hope they
actually ship the thing
Check it out at

Ira  A224

On 9/4/01 12:17 AM, "Shaun Simpkins" <> wrote:

> Those of you who were lucky enough to get to Oshkosh this year, or those of
> you,
> like me, who get Aviation Consumer magazine, noticed an amazing array of glass
> cockpits.  Check out
> <> .  Their September issue describes
> a bunch of new EFIS products, including two that shrink the entire 6-pack into
> a PDA!
> A la Anywheremap.  And-the Air Data and Heading/Attitude Reference electronics
> are
> all electronic!  Big problem, though - the display runs on Windows CE.  But
> for $1500,
> what do you want?
> Also, check out Greg Richter's EFIS-1 at
> <> .  10" daylight
> readable screen, EFIS and moving map on a splitscreen, plus engine
> instruments, plus
> performance recording, plus 12-channel GPS, plus tons more, and - it runs
> assembly code!  
> No op sys problems!
> Again, all-electronic ADHARS, $9600.
> Still, I think I'd prefer the SKYMAP for nav and the EFIS-1 for EFIS.
> Gee, all you guys (like me) who are two years away from flying, just imagine
> how cheap
> (and light) your all-glass cockpit will be when it's time to stuff the panel!
> Shaun

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