Jim, If your counting incorrectly placed stiffeners on port wings, mine (A198)
was one of them.
A factory opinion as to whether notching into the skin stiffener - to make room
for the edge of the rib joggle where the rib rises back up to meet the skin,
but instead hits the stiffener - would be appreciated.
The above method is how I treated my situation, with the assumption that the
carries the load, and the stiffener prevents 'bouncing' of the top skin between
On Thu, 06 September 2001, JW wrote:
> Kevin.
> There appears to be a whole series of port wing skins that have
> manufacturing problems. The problem is the stiffening strip that should line
> with the jog you see in the inboard ribs. It doesn't! Jim Thursby said he
> was
> going to get something in the newsletter about it, as he needs to know how
> many
> there are and who got the bad ones. Apparently there are a lot of them built
> this way. Obviously they will all have to be replaced. And soon!
> Jeff
> A191
> Kevin Klinefelter wrote:
> > Hello, just tried a trial fit of the trailing edge wing skins. The starboard
> > side looks like it will fit well after trimming. The port side, with the
> > mass balance box areas lined up, falls half an inch short of the inboard
> > edge of the root rib. That can't be quite right. Did I get a port skin
> > that's a bit short in the root end.
> > Thanks, Kevin
> > Klinefelter
> > A211 Bishop CA
> >
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