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Color affecting skin temperature

Subject: Color affecting skin temperature
From: Al Fuller <>
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 16:21:19


I'm not an engineer, but my common sense tells me that a metallic paint 
will reflect more solar energy, leaving less to be absorbed by the 
structure - thereby making your contemplated choice better than 
non-metallic.  In fact, aren't the UV barrier paints just metallics?

Keep up the good comments.


Al Fuller.

At  Friday 03:46 PM9/14/2001, you wrote:
>Having said all this I must admit I have considered painting the bird a
>metallic silver, but not without making some measurements first.  Your
>observation regarding metallic tan gives pause to that idea, however.  Have
>you made any measurements at higher ambient temperatures (and I do
>understand that you won't experience anything close to desert heat so near
>to Lake Erie)?  Will you elaborate, off list if appropriate, about your
>measurement scheme?
>Now for the interesting off topic part: my business is manufacturing
>components for infrared cameras so I had considered asking one of my
>customers to make elevated temperature emissivity measurements of a metallic
>silver painted epoxy-fiberglass surface, and also of a white sample for

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