Not to mention that the Rotax is NOT certified for IFR. Someone should have
seen that coming.
James Thursby
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: Liberty
> Didn't the LIBERTY XL-2 start out with a Rotax?
> Now its to have a Continental IOF-240 - 125 hp
Yes, This was primarily for the following reasons...
1/ The acceptance level among certified aircraft buyers in the US for the
was fairly low. In Europe the rotax engine appealed because of its low fuel
consumption but this was not a factor in the US.
2/ The number of locations able to service a rotax on an airfield is fairly
limited and they felt that a 'conventional' engine would be better in this
3/ The target market would be primarily flying from airfields supplying only
Avgas. The 912S is really designed around unleaded fuel so the IOF-240 was a
better choice in this regard.
4/ Extra horsepower
Downside of course is that the base aircraft is now USD105,000 and service
costs may be higher.
Tony Krzyzewski
Liberty Aircraft New Zealand Sales