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Reversing the door strut attachment point

Subject: Reversing the door strut attachment point
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2001 19:30:56
I am not sure who requested the info on the location of the door strut
attachment point for reversed mounting of the door strut but here goes. 
To determine this location it is best to follow the manual with the
exception of mounting the strut to the flange/tang on the door.  First
mount the strut to fuselage at the location opposite the door
flange/tang.  With the strut attached to the fuselage, raise the door to
the height prescribed in the manual and then align the other end of the
strut with the door and mark the location on the door.  Next I fabricated
a mounting plate for the door from .035" thick stainless steel sheet
metal and attached it to the door in the location previously marked.  The
only really critical item is the stainless steel mounting plate.  The
bracket needs to be fashioned in such a manner that when the strut is
mounted to the bracket and the door closed the strut does not rub on the
fuselage.  This what I meant by "a tight fit".  But it does work and it
works well.

Please let me know if any of the above is unclear or if you have any
further questions.


Erich Trombley  

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