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Subject: EFIS
From: Tom & Cathy Friedland <>
Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2001 20:30:14
Hi Europas

Yesterday I traveled 80 miles south to visit Dynon Development to look
at their new EFIS-D10 and was most impressed.   Some on this board that
saw the unit at OSH recommended the unit.  It is in development and not
available until the end of the year or maybe a bit longer.  It is
small.  It weighs maybe one pound or less!  It fits a 3 1/4inch diam
hole and is not long.  (8inches, I didn't measure.)  The screen is
bright with great contrast.  I carried it outside in full sun and it is
very readable.  The unit is all solid state and has its own maintained
auxiliary battery which then provides its own back up incase of
electrical failure!

The cost is lots less than a full vacuum or electric gyro system and
weighs a ton less.   Oh, yes, perhaps even more interesting is the fact
that the solid state gyros/accellerometers in the incredibly light unit
should be easily used for sensors or autopilot input and this in their
plan.  They said that an interface to control the MAC units for pitch
and roll like many of us have should be easy to do.

Disclaimer:  I have no relationship with them.  Their site:

Tom Friedland A079

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