I agee. I built mine without any fancy gizmos and I'm very pleased with the
way it flies.
Message is from
> "Dave Simpson" <davesimpson@londonweb.net>
> ******************************************************************
> I have trouble convincing myself that very good accuracy in tailplane
> alignment about a horizontal axis is necessary. If we take a tailplane
> which is 5 degrees out, twisted about the aeroplane's longitudinal axis,
> this means that less than 0.4% of the aerodynamic force it develops (1 -
> 5 degrees) is applied in the orthogonal axis, ie. yaw. Considering the
> thing's operating in twisting and dirty air back there anyway, I would say
> this sort of force is lost in the noise. Likewise the fin's vertical
> alignment should not be critical for the same reason.
> Of course things are more critical on the main wings, where excellent
> accuracy is needed if we are to avoid aileron trims. Likewise the fin
> a vertical axis suppose.
> Given the mouldings we first 100 builders had delivered, I've always
> considered the Europa an approximate aeroplane in this respect.
> Dave Simpson