There are few qualified (by your criteria ) to respond to your posting! Its
a pity there aren't more.
G-BXII has twelve hours as a conventional gear 'plane.
This is the Swiss conversion, but the only one available.
The ground handling is without question superior to that of the monowheel.
With differential braking it can turn in its own length. Holding the
centreline is easy and it does NOT bounce on landing. Propeller ground
clearance is improved.
The gear leg has been criticised for being too firm. It is firm but no more
than, say, the suspension of a sports car. Anyway, the firmness adds to the
handleability and is better than too soft.
The preformed leg is quite dear; but its also lighter than any other fixed
gear solution. Speed is said to be no different to the monowheel (I can't
confirm this on a like for like basis) and leg fairings add 7 kts. Wheel
fairings may add more. The smaller wheel diameter wheels (500 x 5) are
likely to result in reduced rough field operation; although
takeoffs/landings on fairly short but soft grass have not been a problem
(other than having to clean mud off the wing afterwards). The option for
partial-flap operation may offset this.
The retrofitting of the conversion is not for the feint hearted and I
wouldn't want to do another (having done two). However, for the benefits
obtained I would have no hesitation in doing it this way again
Duncan McFadyean
-----Original Message-----
From: Jim & Val <>
Date: Sunday, November 25, 2001 10:17 PM
Subject: Conventional
>I would like to get some information from anyone who has completed and
>has sucessfully flown a conventional gear (tail dragger) Europa. Any
>advice as to building aspects, supplier sources and performance would be
>Thanks & regards,
>Jim Gunnlaugson
>Builder #A192