Hi! Brian
I'm hoping that my recent virus problem has been solved? I've not had any
bad mail since this morning.
On your questions about trim and indicators, the PFA will have their way on
this one!
Util I'm next in G-PTAG I can't advise which way what but they made me
change it which ment lots of buggeration with wires reconnected etc. etc.
.... good job I had them numbered since mine go to the stick top with the
flap control also !!!
If you need it message me up and I'll remember to look and send you my
best regards
Bob Harrison.G-PTAG
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-europa@post.aviators.net
Subject: Pitch Trim ergonomics
Hi all,
I am pondering on the installation of the trim switch and indicator. I
see ( in the forum archives at
http://www.geocities.com/asarangan/europa_forum.html ) that long ago, there
have been discussions on this, and I feel that to have the indicator
orientated as per the manual page 24-2 (XS) would be confusing...to me at
least! It says... press the bottom of the rocker switch to trim nose
up...fine, but the indicator should move up... So the label on the switch
bottom will read-Trim Nose-up...I can live with that, but the label on the
bottom of the indicator will read Nose Down...This just seems odd to me.
If both the switch and indicator were horizontal, I feel that the
ergonmics would be correct when selecting the switch to the rear to trim
nose-up, the indicator should move to the rear. So the problem arises when
they are mounted vertically on the panel. I've sat for a long time trying
to find somewhere to mount them other than vertical, where they don't clash
with other things, or look odd. I am wasting a lot of time on this one, so
I thought I'd throw it into the melting pot and see if anyone has done any
Brian Hutchinson
XS 357