I installed a ram air system on my 912S. Can't say if it was an improvement
over stock because it never flew without the ram air, however my plane is
resonably fast and the climb performance outstanding.
Dteails of the NACA scoop that was installed in the cowling are on my
website www.galaxyhobby.com/europa.htm
It was installed mainly to get the air intake out of the rain - but I think
it has other benefits.
Bob Jacobsen
From: "Roger Sheridan" <rogersheridan@btinternet.com>
>Subject: The quest for speed
>Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 15:36:26 -0000
>Festive greetings to all,
>In the noble quest, there has been much debate and recommendation.
>Has anybody considered using ram air to feed the carb plenum on a
>normally aspirated engine? Would it offer a significant performance
>Peter Kember had designed a chin mounted ram inlet, principally for
>cooling, but I believe it could also supply induction air if required.
>Just wondering...........
>Rog Sheridan (still building!)
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