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Re: Looking down the road at batteries

Subject: Re: Looking down the road at batteries
From: Chris Beck <>
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2001 14:56:07

This is sort of the road I'd like to take, also.  I absolutely (well,
almost) refuse to put a vacuum system in our Europa.  If I wanted new
antiquity, I'd have built an RV-6.  So, that either leaves me with
electric gyros (expensive) or go with one of the new EFIS systems, like
the Dynon Development EFIS-D10 ( that is under
development.  But, then I'd like dual batteries and a dual alternator
setup (mostly to handle lighting and such for night flight).  I see
there is a belt drive aux. alternator for the Rotax engines, but is
there one that mounts to the accessory drive pad in place of the vacuum
pump???  That would be the slick way to do it.


So, we could run the Airmaster on the 912S, lights, radios, cabin heat
blowers (I about froze today flying the 152,  it's -11C here) and have
plenty to spare along with redundancy.  I would think it would save some
weight over a vacuum system and a panel full of steam gauges??? wrote:

> Just for the record,
> I am currently designing my electrical system for the airplane with a
> rotax 914. I tend to design more like what I was used to in airline
> flying, but I am going to have the following:
> 2 alternators running independently.
> 2 "hot battery busses"
> 2 main busses powered by  the alterrnators and 2 batteries- one main
> for the starter and one just for electrical equipment.
> There will be a switchable "essential bus" with things like a comm and
> the prop control and trim control. This can be switched to either hot
> battery bus.
> each fuel pump will be able to be powered from either main bus. In
> addition, the #2 pump will have a low pressure swithc/relay that will
> automatically start #2 pump when pressure is lost from #1 - when the
> #2 pump is selected in the "auto" position.
> I would rather not have the airplane engine quit should an electric
> pump fail. Normal ops will be to take off with both running and then
> when safely airborne, #2 will be switched to AUTO making it instantly
> available should #1 pump fail for whatever reason.
> Just waiting for wires to arrive from ACS now.
> Dave Anderson
> A227
> monowheel motorglider....

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