I am a bit confused about the whole notion of needing two batteries for
a 914 installation. The Europa manual wiring diagram doesn't show it or
mention it,
and I have fitted just the one (Odyssey) battery in my innocence! As
far as redundancy goes it seems to me that you have an alternator
usually supplying the power to run one or both fuel pumps and if that or
the related kit blows up you are then relying on what is stored in your
battery to get you home or to a nice big field. Whether you have one or
two batteries then seems to be of no great consequence, compared to the
question of how much juice you have stored, and I guess you could store
a given (large) amount more efficiently in one larger battery rather
than two smaller batteries - or have I missed something? David
----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Hagar
Subject: Looking down the road at batteries
I am not up to the point to needing any thing yet concerning
batteries, probably over a year off for this. However I haven't seen
much written here about the dual setup required when runninng the 914
with its electric only fuel pumps.
Of those who have this setup what size battery is being used as the
primary unit and what size unit is used for redundant or essential bus
use? How does this compare to the size of the single battery used on a
912 Europa. Were both battery located around the same location?
Thanks for any input.
Steve Hagar
Mesa AZ
--- Steve Hagar
--- hagargs@earthlink.net