Message text written by "Mike Gamble"
>Is this particular mod kit considered the way to go or would you recommend
a different system?
>Jerry down at LTS tells me that Europa will be marketing his 'magnetic'
sensor as part of a company mod kit. Roger at Europa indicates that this
will be in about 4 weeks.
Have you any experience of this gear?<
No but I know that Francis Donaldson is quite keen on it. I would make the
following comments having briefly seen the product (assuming I am talking
about the same product I saw about 2 years ago)
1. It uses a rigid tube so must be mounted through the headrest area making
installation a little tricky.
2. I was told that the magnetic sensor works in conjunction with a number
of reed switches within the tube. I assume that the level changes in
quantum jumps as the sensor passes each switch. Whilst this is a simple and
reliable sensor the accuracy would be limited by the number of switches.
>Are there any approved mods to the fuel fittings & pipework(aly tubing)?
I'll copy this to the forum as I'm sure that others will find the info of
This is an area where many builders (including myself) are experimenting.
There may well be several individual approved mods but as Europa Club
Modifications Rep I have not yet initiated a club mod because as they say
'time will tell'. Like the electrical system the fuel system seems to
encourage many different opinions and ways of achieving a satisfactory
system. I particularly favour a parallel fuel system and the use of
gascolators however until I have proved my system over a period of time I
am reluctant to publish it as a club mod. Others have come up with one-offs
involving rigid pipework and there has been much discussion of the relative
merits of the use of water drains as well as or instead of gascolators. It
is difficult to come up with a definitive modification. Perhaps an overall
best compromise will become clear in another year or two.
Nigel Charles