Thanks Tony,
I will investigate the option. It sounds like just the stuff. Being a
vegetarian, I was never that comfortable with decorating the insides
of the plane with dead cows, however, I would be a lot less
comfortable burning alive. It seems that this spray and some light
weight carpet will provide the answer.
Quoting Tony Krzyzewski <>:
> Aircraft Spruce have some... it's called Inspecta Shield and meets
> 25.853.
> It works very well and none of the sample materials I tested will
> sustain a
> flame once treated ... I even tried it on balsa wood!! Another
> is
> that it improves the resistance to sun rot in material.
> In the current AC spruce catalogue it can be found on page 125, part
> 09-05760
> and costs USD32.85 a quart which is enough to do 150 sq feet
> Tony
/////Eddie Hatcher Bill Lams Nick Crisp///////