I am not yet into drilling mounting holes in the engine bearing
frame, so am not sure if this applies, but:
Twice I ordered the "tight" drill kit from AS and twice it
didn't come back - no explanation, just no dice. I didn't quibble, but
thought they might have run out or ceased production etc. In consequence I
bought a German Wolf flexible drive for a 1/4inch drill, and that worked to
cut the aileron(flap?) guides close to the wingsurface. However, this leaves
me without a close-quarters dril for some of the tunnel and other tight
corners. I tried a series of tools to hold/turn screw bits without success,
until I needed a perpendicular series of holes in the tunnel. I was actually
truning 3/16" holes by twisting a really sharp drill bit with my fingers.
Then it hit. I knocked the chuck off my electric hand drill (tap
with a small hammer on the end of the key twist shaft usually loosens it)
and installed a new 3/16 bit and tightened. Properly held in the hand, one
can drill through the cockpit module casting in half the time it takes to
change drills. It's accurate, slow but effective and easy. I haven't tried
on the engine mount frame, but softer aluminum is a cinch and only requires
accurate centring and steady twisting to achieve a good cut.
I'd still rather have the Tight Drill kit.