For Europa-philes in the USA,
(my aplology to you others for the long e-mail)
As many of you are probably aware, the yellow
press are in a feeding frenzy over the C172 crash
in Tampa.
Demands are being made for metal detectors
and bag searches before boarding private planes,
and for 24 hour security staffing for all air fields
(NBC Nightly News). Other media experts were
recommending GA be kept 100+ miles away from
major cities. A CNN pole indicated 63% of the public
were in favor of more controls on GA.
I believe we cannot rely on AOPA and others to
save us from this one, we need to participate as well.
I have written to several news media, and my senators
and representatives, and I recommend you all do the same.
E-Mail to your representatives can be made at the following
web sites; and
An example of the things being said by the media is at;
I tended to focus my letters on the following;
1) There is no valid reason to believe that small planes
weighing less than an economy car are a danger to society,
the crash in Tampa proves that.
2) Threat is a function of vehicle weight, therefore cars/trucks
are more dangerous than small planes (Cessna 172 1400#,
economy car ~2800#).
3) A weak excuse has been given that cars can be barred by
barriers, but not planes. Where are all these barriers? When
will every business, school, church, and home have them installed?
4) Hysteria over aviation and resulting irrational reactions have cost
jobs, businesses, and even lives (an article during Thanksgiving pointed
out increased auto/decreased air travel would cause a larger number of
traffic deaths over the holidays).
5) Those who attack GA for the sake of cheap sensationalism
are no better than the couple who faked the wife's death
on 9/11 for the money.
Terry Seaver
ps - If you use some of my ideas in a letter, please modify
my text enough so the two letters don't look like a form letter.