The correct torque setting, according to the Rotax Overhaul Manual , is 10Nm (90
inch pounds).
No thread locking compound is used.
Best Regards
Andy Draper
Technical Director
>>> "STOUT, GARRY V, CFABS" <> 10/01/02 13:42:19 >>>
Would anyone care to share with us what the correct torque specification is
for this bolt?
Garry V. Stout
District Manager, AT&T Business Services
Phone: 813-878-3929 Fax 813-878-5651
*****Please note new e-mail address******
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: Rotax engine failure in G-BWGH
> Mark,
> You're right, I didn't read it properly - when he said it "worked loose" I
> assumed the bolt unscrewed itself (although it probably did). It still may
> be worth wire locking to get a slight improvement in reliability - but the
> fundamental solution I guess is the correct torque and locking compound!
> Under the circumstances, perhaps the LAST thing anyone should do is try to
> check the tightness of their rocker cover bolts without knowledge of the
> correct torque setting!
> Regards
> Roger
I reckon it will be a very good idea to lock it some how. I've never been a
fan of locking compounds, sometime they can work too well and cause other
problems. The correct torque setting is very important, so long as there
are no defects in the threaded hole and it hasn't previously been
I'm still amazed to hear that only one bolt holds the cover on. Even if the
thread is fine, there's always the problem of it working loose.
Mark Jackson - +44 (0)7050 645590