On 1/18/02 1:55 PM, "KarkelB@aol.com" <KarkelB@aol.com> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> been looking into the EFIS/ONE issue again. Greg at blue
> mountain says there are a few europa builders actually flying them but
> wouldn't let me know who they are.Does anyone know of a fellow europa
> builder/owner flying the blue mountain efis?
> regards Karim.
When I spoke to Greg last month, nobody had yet interfaced to a Rotax
engine. I would sure like to hear from anyone using or planning to use this
device. I am extending my panel down an extra 1.25 inches to accommodate
the display (e.g., reducing the height of the "electric" subpanel rebate.
A224 now on gear and wings rigged!!! :-)