Absolutely perfect! Thanks a million Ferg! (also John for posting it :-)
Now all this discussion of clamps & working in the fuse makes sense!
thanks again,
A239 (not picked up yet)
-----Original Message-----
Subject: List Support Website
Two new items have been added to the support site.
One is from Ferg Kyle (not one to sit idly by just because
his runway is under six feet of snow ... :-) ) and is a
sketch of the stabilator torque tube assembly which is
currently exercising us.
The other is the message which Andy Draper tried to post on
Wednesday about a new sub-panel Europa are proposing, with
the picture concerned. [The message itself is also being
forwarded to the List.]
For the new items, please see under Miscellaneous on the
support site
John Cliff
Europa Club List Forum minder