We made up a fuselage spit based on a modified engine stand. It bolts to the
engine mount via a car prop shaft universal joint so not only can you rotate
the fuselage but you can move the tail up and down as well!
Don't have any drawings, but would be happy to talk you through the design
or show it to you. We are based in the Milton Keynes area of the UK
Donald Kesterton
Builder 216
Tel 01908 472434
-----Original Message-----
Subject: fuselage stands
Dear All,
I am at the fun stage of filling and sanding the fuselage and despite
carefully protecting the ribs of my 'dolly' I keep on ending up with creases
in the fuselage, each of which will need repairing.
Does anyone have access to a fuselage stand (similar to Aircraft Spruce) so
that I can attach the engine frame, jack the tail and spin the fuselage for
ease of filling etc.
As a separate idea, has anyone made a stand and has the dimensions, drawings
Your assistance is as ever gratefully received.
Steve Pitt #403
PS Isn't it cold back here in England, and windy and miserable too!
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