> I haven't said much on this yet, because I'm not in a possition to help
> much at the moment (I'm without a flying plane, no trailer, baby about to
> fill the final bedroom and workshop fully needed for my own kit), but
> like to get involved when I can help.
You don't have to have any particular qualifications or facilities available
to be of help to someone, just some local knowledge might be enough!
> > Any more ideas anyone?
> A couple...
> 2) The list of people offering to help could be a web based list allowing
> people to add themselves, remove themselves, change their own contact
> details and even post a message saying they'll be away. This would would
> mean the list is always up to date and people can print out as many copies
> as they like. I could offer my services setting such a list up.
I like this one, the club web site is the obvious choice, and I think it may
be possible to implement when the site is upgraded soon.
> 3) Parts - I'm sure many people keep spare parts on their shelves, maybe
> club doesn't need to keep their own stock of everything that's going to be
> needed, maybe there could be a list of who keeps what and they could make
> those parts available in an emergancy - this is somewhere where non-flying
> club members can help, I'm sure there are a lot of people with a kit sat
> the workshop and a lot of parts they don't need to fit for months..
I have already received offers of parts from builders, both flying, with
redundant or spare parts available and non flying, with parts not required
yet. So we could end up with a network of spare part stores as well as
volunteer's willing to distribute them, it can only make the service more of
a success.
> If I get any more ideas, I'll post them on.
Nice one, keep it up