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Re: C of G shift

Subject: Re: C of G shift
From: Fred Fillinger <>
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 17:59:04
Try this little trick also to bolt up the engine.  Instead of the AN-5
bolts initially, cut up 5/16" threaded rod to a longer length, and
lightly snug up the engine with 5/16" nuts whilst still on the hoist
-- the rod will be a sloppy fit.  Then, one-by-one replace them with
the real, otherwise annoyingly snug-fit bolts.  As Groucho Marx would
say, "duck soup."

Or as Bubba, the 'Redneck' Aircraft Mechanic, would advise, don't
force them AN-5's, use a bigger hammer!

Fred F.

> I am getting ready to hang my 914 on the front. What did people use to
> (successfully) attach the engine to their engine hoist?
> Tony

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