It is generally best to keep the high voltage/high current lines
separated from the low level (comm) lines to avoid pops, clicks,
and humming in the receiver audio. In practice one should
consider running the strobe and transponder wiring on one side of
the fuselage while the comm antenna is on the other side. Lines
with steady current (lights, etc) can be run on either side.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alfred Buess" <>
Subject: Bundling of coax cables
Hi Europa-cracks,
The cable ducts from the rear fuselage to the instrument panel
will be one of the next steps of my building activity. Before I
start to do this, I'd like to know if there is a problem when I
put the coax cables into the same cable duct. I use RG-400U for
the transponder and the comm antennas and RG-58U for the VOR
antenna. Do these coax cables interfere with each other when they
are in a bundle? Any experiences and technical explanations from
the electronic knowledge blessed among us?
Alfred Buess
#097 Monowheel 912S
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