It has just occurred to me that you should know how I can check the LR tank
is full!(being aluminium instead of the Europa "poly --what ever" type which
you can see through) ......
Its vent is from the top Starboard side to a clear plastic pipe ..... when
the fuel level rises up this vent pipe then the LR tank is full.
Further ,it is advisable to restart the siphon for every flight and
definitely after each refuelling . ( this should be appended to the "Pilots
Notes and pre-flight check list")
Bob Harrison G-PTAG
-----Original Message-----
From: forum-owner@europaclub.org.uk
Subject: Re: Auxiliary fuel tank
Hi! Dave.
My tank is a permanent installation and fills through a pipe attached to the
main filler ,fill one and you fill both, except there's a tap fitted to the
LR tank filler to stop it being filled
if you wish to fly dual, but then MTOW rules that my LR tank needs to be
siphoned empty, a provision is made for this, also it has it's own vent
connected into the original vent system.
The PFA made me put a "finger strainer" in its exit pipe since my
installation is fixed and actually siphons from a drain connection in its
With regards to the 60 lbs weight problem just have a big breakfast!
Bob Harrison G-PTAG
-----Original Message-----
From: forum-owner@europaclub.org.uk
Subject: Auxiliary fuel tank
Since the topic of the long-range fuel tank has come up, can anyone tell me
how you either hoist a 60-pound tank full of fuel into the airplane, or fill
the empty tank inside the airplane without risk of spilling fuel into the
Dave DeFord