Richard Holder wrote:
> ...
> The T instruments could be
> purchased now but they would be out of warranty (12 months) before the plane
> even flew ! What have others done about this problem ? Have you just gone
> ahead and bought the instruments (and the avionics come into the same Catch
> 22) and assumed that the warranty won't be needed or invoked?
That's one of the gambles in homebuilding! For avionics, the mfr may
not start the warranty clock until "installed" (like UPS-Apollo). For
gyros, they may or may not, as they should be periodically exercised,
not so easy with pneumatics. In reality, failures within warranty
period are rare, if quality instruments. Poor filter maintenance is
what kills the vacuum gyros.
> 22 AWG is
> amazingly thin, with thin insulation but is strong and retains the shape it
> is bent into.
Amazingly demanding in connecting, too. Will require the professional
crimper for ring connectors, or solder. For Molex connectors, #22 is
just too thin w/o using the production Molex crimper ($$). I think #20
is preferable for us hackers.
Fred F.