> << 2. Should another ground between the engine and panel fail if the mag lead
> is grounded at both ends an electrical fire could start due to this wire
> trying to provide an earth return at much higher currents than it is
> designed for. This has actually happened at least once. >>
> The best reason of all to only ground one end!
> Thanks
> Troy
In a "stock" engine installation, I can't see where any currents are
flowing (after engine start), except for tiny amounts for the
temp/pressure sensors. If one adds an alternator whose negative
ground is to the engine, then there could be the described fire risk.
If needed for EMI suppression, and to the extent the shields could
carry starting current (but heat up too!), that could be remedied by
using a short, #24 wire to carry the shields to ground at the switch
end. If the main engine ground were failed, it simply won't start,
and will shortly pop this "fusible link."
Fred F.