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Fw: Skyflash strobe system

Subject: Fw: Skyflash strobe system
From: John Cliff <>
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2002 14:56:21
Forwarded message (i.e. not from me) for 
"Richard Holder" <>

Dear All

I intend to put a pair of Skyflash strobes on G-OWWW. One on the fin and one
underneath the fuselage.

I understand that this will involve a "modification" application to the PFA.

I'm sure it has been done before. Any of you guys ? If so, which was the
original aircraft for which application was made ? What mods are necessary
for the fuselage ? (I make it about three holes (small) with some BID to
strengthen these holes).

Was there any problem with the application ? A copy would be most useful.

Alternatively one on the fuselage top and one underneath.

Has anyone done it on the basis that it isn't a big enough modification to
faf around with the PFA procedures ?

Richard F.W. Holder                      01279 842804 (POTS)
Bell House, Bell Lane,                   01279 842942 (fax)
Widford, Ware, Herts,                    07860 367423 (mobile)
SG12 8SH                                 email :
PA-28-181 : Piper Archer : G-JANA, EGSG (Stapleford)
Europa Classic Tri-gear : G-OWWW, being built.

I am about to put in my modification application to add an inspection hatch
in the firewall. As it has been done before I am not expecting any hassle or
delay, but I will report back !

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