I never had a problem with headaches from the epoxy (but then I don't
usually get headaches from any cause) but I have definitely become
sensitized, with the main symptom being a rash that is very itchy. Early in
the project I worked without gloves and had no problems with sensitivity but
that (in retrospect) was a big mistake. I am now nearly finished but paying
the price for my earlier carelessness.
Here in SoCal it is generally warm enough (year round) to work in the garage
with the door open but on those rare occasions when it is just a bit too
cool to do so, the epoxy attacks me rather badly. At first I assumed it was
only the hardener in the Aeropoxy but now I realize the hardener in the
Redux/Araldite is also a problem, as is the sanding dust from recently
glassed parts, and of course the dust has that wonderful glass powder that
adds to the itch.
One thing that might keep you from getting a skin rash (sorry, no
suggestions for the headaches) is to wash with soap and water, then rinse
with vinegar followed by another soap and water scrub.. The vinegar
neutralizes the stuff in the epoxy that attacks skin. The only problem with
this scheme is that the vinegar tends to sting those places already damaged
---From previous exposure.
After the fact treatment is Benadryl (Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride); my
doctor said to buy the over the counter pills and double the dose to be the
equivalent of what he would prescribe. Cortaid (cortisone cream) or
Benadryl cream applied locally also helps,
Best regards,
Rob Housman
-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of DJA727@aol.com
Subject: Headaches
Another question to the group: I have read about becoming sensitive to epoxy
and fiberglass. I have been working my project now for about 5 months and
for the last 3 weeks have been getting headaches at about 4 AM every night
after I work on the airplane. I have always been prone to this from various
chemicals and this is the same thing. I have experimented with staying away
---From the airplane and it only occurs after working on it. I think I have
accumulated a fair amount of fumes in the garage and since there is cold
weather out, I have not opened things up as I should have. I wear a
respirator mask, but only when actively sanding and laying up glass, etc.
Has any body experienced headaches from the building work? I hope this
improves when the weather warms and after all the cures are complete.
Dave Anderson