I found it curious also, in browsing MSDS for various things, that
both solvents are hazardous in pure form, but less so when diluted
with more benign solvents. An example is common paint spray in a can,
with majority toluene, but with some bad stuff. For latter, I don't
think there's been major product liability judgments here, and most
consumers don't follow the label cautions at all.
Fred F.
> >Can anyone comment on the _relative_ nastiness of acetone and MEK
> A couple of observations:
> Acetone is sold (in small quantities) as nail-varnish remover - would
> this be permitted if it was lethal?
> I seem to remember that MEK was used as a solvent for the adhesive on
> shrink-film coverings for model aeroplanes, and that one of the
> cautions I saw printed back then was that MEK could cause blindness
> if it gets in the eye.
> I am using acetone as a brush and scissor cleaner, but I always wear
> my (activated-charcoal) mask for all operations involving epoxy,
> including cleanup.
> regards
> Rowland