Hi Garry,
I'll certainly post an announcement on the Forum when the kits are ready and
should be no problem providing the instructions electronically.
Best Regards
Andy Draper
Technical Director
e-mail andy@europa-aircraft.com
>>> "STOUT, GARRY V, CFABS" <garrys@att.com> 06/03/02 13:26:05 >>>
Please post a note on this forum when the kits are available in the US. Would
it also be possible to make the installation instructions available on a web
so that we could view them for complexity before committing to purchase.
(I have a completed Classic wing and am not keen to destroy the wing to install
the AOA, if in fact this would be necessary)
Garry V. Stout
District Manager, AT&T Business Services
Phone: 813-878-3929 Fax 813-878-5651
*****Please note new e-mail address******
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Stall Warning device
To All,
Stall Warning Device
As stall warners and AOA devices have been discussed a lot on the Europa forum
lately, I thought I should pass on the following.
The Europa demonstrators G-KITZ and G-KITS have both been flying with a simple
but effective audible stall warning device which was developed in house with Don
Dykins help. Having ironed out the bugs and proved the system thoroughly, a
kit of parts is being developed for fitment to the Europa XS wing, although it
should be just as straight forward to fit to the Classic wing also.
Basically, this stall warner works by a tube fitted to the wing leading edge
to an air pressure switch which activates a small piezo electric horn.
Of course, the horn could be substituted for a lamp or the lamp added to the
horn, if so desired.
Fitting the tube to a completed wing is described in the instructions but if the
wing (Starboard preferred so that the pitot/static lines don't become mixed
up with the stall warner) has not been closed fitting is somewhat easier.
The kit of parts, complete with straight forward wiring loom, is expected to be
available in the next few weeks and the price is likely to be well below 100.
Kind regards