It seems probable that several messages have been posted to the forum since we
changed over (including one by me!) which were actually intended to go to the
author of a posted message and not to the general distibution.
As you know, the list behaviour was changed to prevent the inadvertant loss of
messages from the inverse effect, not to encourage broadcasting of essentially
private material.
To restate the current default position, if you Reply to a message from the
forum the reply will NOT go to the message author but will go to the forum.
This is not unique to the forum, for example the Aeroelectric List, to which
some of us subscribe, behaves in the same way.
To defeat this behaviour (i.e. to cause replies to go to the author) you can
deslect the Reply To property in your subscriber profile (see the FAQ).
Alternatively, I have offered to do this for individuals if they wish.
If you are posting a message to the forum which might invite off-forum replies
it would be helpful to include your own email address in the text, to make it
easier for people to reply privately.
Now back to aeroplane building .....
John Cliff
Europa Forum minder