>John & Nigel: Please can we go back to "reply to" for a private response and
>"reply to all" for a response which the rest of the list might find
Why is it that a newsgroup forum like ours should have anything other
than the forum as the default addresee?? Is it not really a forum?
I was quite annoyed with the old way it worked, perhaps a deluge of
messages supporting the new way is needed to put a painful end to the
miserable signal to noise rate of late?
As for contents and quality, we may all be guilty of living in our
little world of our own, thinking everybody on the list instinctively
will understand your train of thought,
try take a step back and read your own message before hitting "send",
that might also avoid thing like complaining of one's patronising, while
calling messages from others dribble....
With respect and some sweat on the brow ('cause it's very hot today and
i'm doing inventory on kit 529, well arrived and cuddled up in blankets)