A foil sleeve the same as on the coolant pipes on a 914 is available from
Summit racing in Akron, Ohio. Their number is 1-800-230-3030 or
www.summitracing.com This is the only way we kept the oil lines from frying
in a 914 installation in the company (U.S.) demonstrators. Without it 100
hours was average lifespan of the lower line. This stuff is better for heat
protection than firesleeve, although I am not sure if it is better for
actual flame protection. As an aside it dropped oil temps 4 to 8 degrees F.
Jim Thursby
-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Fred Fillinger
Subject: Re: Insulating fuel lines
Carl Pattinson wrote:
> Unfortunately FIRESLEEVE on the fuel lines (in the engine bay) is part of
> mandatory mod (here in the UK at least) to reduce the possibility of
> locks.
Out of curiosity I once did a crude test on the stuff, using an oven,
with a digital temp meter probe inside the sleeve, hot air blocked
---From flowing inside. The internal temp rises quickly. Repeating the
test with aluminum foil wrapped around the firesleeve made a
significant difference. Like, 10 minutes to reach 160F, in 250F
oven. With cool fuel flowing inside during climb and cruise, seems
like it should carry enough calories out to stay ahead of the game in
a hot day. It could mean the difference during prolonged idling,
where fuel isn't flowing much, as the fuel line and contents have to
be heated too. I'd spiral wrap a strip of foil around the sleeve, and
shrink heat-shrink tubing around it, in place, with the bends
established. Preferably a light color heat-shrink by a related rule
applicable here.
Fred F.