> I like the current configuration. It conforms to the norms of most
> other lists around the world. If we can master flying, we surely can
> adapt to a change in the list configuration!
Several people have said this, but it isn't true. Certainly not on the
lists I've been on (and that's quite a lot). The only other list I've been
on (am still on) had to be converted to the mode where reply was sent only
to the original sender after confidential information was broadcast to
several hundred people too many times.
Having said that, I think the talk about how the list is set up should stop.
Who cares what the default is, the list is here and it's up to the list
owner how he runs it (and we all owe hime a few pints for taking the time to
run it). If you don't like the defailt settings, change them. Anyone can
change the 'default reply' to be either the list or the sender (see
http://harley.pcl.ox.ac.uk/~mark/Europa/list/). This has been said several
times so I can't see the point in going on and on about it.
Mark Jackson - +44 (0)7050 645590