Hi Martin,
I've had my prop balanced by an outfit here in the U.K. called Noel Trigg
Associates ( test2@compaqnet.co.uk or www.nta.co.uk) and I've been highly
impressed with the results on my kit 71 G-BXLK, now flying since '98. And I
will without doubt call on their services on completion of my kit 494 under
construction at this time.
I know Trigg Associates 'travel', but I guess to travel to your side of the
pond for one Europa would be impractical ........ but if they were there
already on some future occasion???????
The main point though, is that it is my understanding these helpful people
are essentially using equipment intended for helicopter rotor blade
balancing ..... and compared to the gearing set-up on the Rotax, naturally
that on a helicopter is something else! The rear of spinner washer retention
arrangement they use is also something maybe a little different to that you
Hope this may be of some help to you and regards
Bob Fairall
----- Original Message -----
From: <MJKTuck@cs.com>
Subject: Re: Balancing Props
> A friend of mine who lives in Udall (south of Wichita) electronically
> balances engine/prop combinations.
> Trouble is he doesn't think it would work on a Rotax as the gearing ratio
> means that prop/engine component positions are almost always out of sync.
> Anyone had this done and how did it fair? For me the easiest was to
> small washers under the bolts securing the spinner by trail and error
> it seemed smooth.
> If I start getting a hint of vibration (usually the indicator is the
> on the roof panel) I know its time to clean the bugs off the prop!
> Regards,
> Martin Tuck
> N152MT
> Wichita, Kansas