I paid US$80 to get my nose gear assembly and main gear legs powder coated
commercially at a local shop; the shop did the prep which I think was grit
blast but probably also included a solvent de-grease step. In all respects
this coating looks very much like the coating on the Europa engine mount and
landing gear mount.
Best regards,
Rob Housman
-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Graham Singleton
Subject: Re: powder coating
>My take on powder coating is, Do it yourself... The sprayer and power
>is 99 bucks in the states and the powder is 50 bucks for five pounds. 90%
>the parts will fit in the oven that you can get on garbage day for free.
I'm not entirely convinced by the [powder coating I've seen. It tends to
chip off very easily, so I think I prefer a more resilient 2 pack paint
system ie urethane. However,it could be that preparation is the key. Doing
it yourself and using shot peening first might make a big difference